Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Virginia Folk Speech #2

We love to put "All" in front of words just like we like to add an "A" to some!

All-about (adv)--Scattered; in disorder.  "I found those toys scattered all-about the house."
All-alone (adv)--Quite alone.  "He is now living all-alone since his wife died."
All-along (adv)--Throughout; continually; from the beginning.  "Well, I have known that she was a spoiled brat all-along."
All-but (adv)--Almost.  "Have a little patience!  We are all-but there."
All-fours (noun)--To go on the hands and feet like an animal.  "Look at those kids running around like horses on all-fours.
All-over (adv)--In every part; everywhere; over the whole body.  "He is his father all-over!"  (He is exactly like his father.)
All sorts of (noun)--Expert; excellent; expert in many ways.  "She is all sorts of a good cook."
All-to (adv)--Excessively; out and out.  "That girl out played that boy all-to pieces."


  1. The first five examples are (or were) in common usage in the UK, or in my family at any rate.
    Dave K

  2. Dave, It is so wonderful to have a friend in the UK that can give us info about life across the pond! :)

  3. All gone: more intensive than just gone. It—money, food, whatever—wasn't just gone; it was all gone.

  4. Yes Becky! I didn't remember that one!

  5. Huh. Funny. I never really associated these with Virginia speech patterns. I've spoken like that my entire life and never really realized others DON'T use those phrases. :shrug: They sound absolutely like "home" to my ear. :o)

  6. Rach, I know what you mean! I always assume that everyone talks the way I do until someone points out that I am saying something weird!

  7. Yep Guilty too : ) I use them ALL : )


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