Meadows of Dan Cardinals
This little guy looks MUCH more ferocious
than our mascot did back in the 1970s! | |
In October 2011, just after the Meadows of Dan Elementary School burned, I wrote a blog post entitled
"Tribute to a Wonderful Teacher" about Miss Ruth Jean Bolt, one of my teachers. She was my fifth grade teacher and she also taught science and art to the sixth and seventh grade. At the time of my original post, many of my elementary school classmates and school teacher friends encouraged me to send her a copy. I thought about sending it, but then, like so many things, I kept on putting if off.
Finally, just before Christmas, I printed the post and mailed it to Miss Bolt. Just this week, one of my friends from Meadows of Dan sent me a message to let me know that Miss Bolt wanted to talk to me. Now, I'm not much for talking on the phone and I try to avoid it whenever possible. For me, talking on the phone is just awkward because you can't read people's expressions and you may be calling them at a bad time and they are just too polite to say so. Add in the fact that I was calling one of my elementary school teachers, an authority figure, one that I respected SO much, just made this even harder. However, the day after receiving the message, I grabbed the phone and made the call before I could think about it too much.
What a fabulous phone conversation! Miss Bolt immediately made me feel at ease and her voice sounded just like it did in elementary school. She is such an interesting person to talk with that I could have stayed on the phone for hours with her! I am going to try to pay her a visit the next time that I am in Meadows of Dan.
To see what the new Meadows of Dan Elementary School looks like, click
If you had a teacher who means a lot to you, go ahead. Contact them. Just do it! It will make you feel good and I'm sure it will make them feel fabulous too!